How to Take Care of Your Tattoo?

After you get your masonic tattoo , it's very important to take a good care of it. This will help it heal quickly and stay vibrant. Wait for a few hours to remove the bandage which your tattoo artist applied on your tattoo. After a few hours, remove the bandage very gently. Then use lukewarm water and antibacterial soap to wash the tattoo. Now, patting your skin dry. To heal the tattoo beautifully, you should evenly moisturize and clean your skin, don't expose the skin to direct sunlight and avoid picking or itching your new design. 1. Daily Wash and Moisturize Your Tattoo Until the Scabs are Gone: Wash your tattoo with antibacterial soap and lukewarm water continuously for 2 to 3 times a day until it's fully healed. Depending on the size and location of your tattoo, it may take 2 to 6 weeks to get fully healed. Always use unscented mild soap when washing the tattoo. Moisturizing is very important. So while moisturizing your tattoo be careful that the tattoo ...