12 Foods for Glowing Skin
All of us love to have good skin at every age and stage of life. Do you really pay attention to what you eat? Because we all know that eating has a great correlation to obesity, diabetes and even heart disease. But what most of us fail to connect is nutrition and skin health. Your genetic inheritance gives you a head start, but your diet also plays a vital part in helping you increase your lifespan.
Generally speaking, most foods are good for your health. Research has shown eating a minimum of 4 to 5 servings per day helps to boost mood and reduce your risk of heart disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes. The 12 best foods to eat for glowing skin are:

1. Soybeans:
The presence of isoflavones (category of plant compound) in soy can block estrogen in your body. Middle-aged women study proves that daily eating of soybeans for 8-12 weeks helps in improving elasticity of skin and reduces fine wrinkles. This is also beneficial for postmenopausal women in making their skin smooth and firm and remove dryness by increasing collagen.
2. Whole Grain Cereals:
The fiber in whole grain cereals is best for digestion. They can easily fill your tummy as well as it’s very healthy. Whole grains are rich sources of protein, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and plant compounds. Due to the presence of iron, zinc, vitamin C and other essential minerals; your skin will become healthy and glowing as well as these nutrients will also help in improving skin texture. As these grains are packed with a lot of benefits, they have a complete meal in itself.
3. Fatty Fish:
The presence of Omega-3 fatty acid in fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel helps your skin to look radiant and supple. They can protect you from UV rays and give strength to your skin. It can also fight against pimples, reduce inflammation and redness.
The presence of Vitamin E and antioxidants protects your skin from radical activity and irritation that could make your skin age faster.
As fatty fish contain nutrients like protein and zinc, they also help in the production of new skin cells and improve the strengthening of your skin.
4. Olive Oil:
One of the most beneficial oils for overall health, olive oil is also good for your skin. It contains omega-3 fatty acids and polyphenols. Omega-3 keeps your skin supple and moisturized and polyphenols protected from oxidative damage and to fight inflammation.
5. Green Tea:
A favorite drink of many people, green tea is not only tasty but is also highly beneficial for your skin's health. It's full of polyphenols and catechins and these are antioxidants that reduce skin redness by fighting inflammation. They also effectively protect your skin from sun damage. At the same time, even if you drink several cups of green tea every day in the summer, don't forget to use sunscreen every time you go outside. This is crucial for your health.
6. Avocados:
Avocados keep your skin moisturized and firm due to the presence of healthy fats.
To get healthy skin and fight against free radical formation, avocados are one of the best foods as it contains both vitamin C and E-2.
Some nutritionists believe that avocados can promote healthy skin and hair, as they are rich in biotin, a B vitamin. Skin problems such as ache, dermatitis, overall itchiness, rashes and psoriasis occur if you are suffering from deficiency of biotin.
7. Carrots:
Carrots are high in beta carotene, an antioxidant that is converted to vitamin A inside the body. It helps repair skin tissue and protects against the sun's harsh rays. The presence of vitamin C in carrots aids the collagen production in the body, which prevents wrinkles and locks the process of aging. You can drink carrot juice on a regular basis or prepare an inexpensive and convenient face mask.
All you need to do is to mix grated carrot with some honey and apply it as a face mask to get glowing skin.
8. Turmeric:
This spice has gained the reputation of super food. Turmeric is anti- inflammatory and and that's why it helps to heal acne and calm down redness. It also prevents oxidative damage to the skin, repairs existing sun damage and even prevents skin cancer. People use turmeric as an ingredient in facial masks to help get rid of acne scars and other types of scars. This spice can also help with different dermatological problems.
But you need to be extremely careful not to use too much of this substance or it will do more harm than good.
9. Spinach and Kale:
Green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale are full of vitamins that the skin loves including vitamins A, C and E. Vitamin A controls sebum production, Vitamin C boosts collagen and Vitamin E protects from oxidative damage. Together they help your skin remain moisturized, plump and free of wrinkles and spots. Both spinach and Kale are also anti-inflammatory. They fight flare-ups in your gut.
10. Honey:
Honey is a natural antioxidant and moisturizer with antibacterial properties. It's no wonder that it's so beneficial for the skin. Honey is typically used in DIY face masks and applied topically to reduce inflammation, treat acne and moisturize dry skin. Such types of honey as manuka and kanoka are especially effective for these purposes. Eating honey is also a good idea especially if you use it to replace other sweets.
11. Tomatoes:
Tomatoes besides being one more great source of vitamin C. It contains major carotenoids such as lycopene, lutein, alpha-carotene, and beta-carotene. Antioxidant carotenoids protect your skin from sun damage and prevent wrinkles. They're also naturally anti inflammatory. To reap the full benefits of tomatoes, it's best to cook them using a healthy fat such as olive oil rather than eat them raw. Eating them cooked helps your body to absorb more lycopene.
In addition you can apply tomatoes directly to your skin. Tomatoes will treat open pores, helps you to get glowing skin and prevent signs of aging. On top of all that they can also work as an effective natural sunscreen and protect your skin from dangerous UV rays.
12. Nuts and Seeds:
Nuts and seeds not only kill our hunger pangs with fiber essential fatty acids and protein, but are also helpful in making your skin smooth and glowing. As they are also rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, it works amazingly for skin health. Walnuts and flaxseeds makes your skin healthier by reducing redness, blemishes and skin lesions; whereas almonds are useful for maintaining youthfulness and keeps your skin glowing.
You can drink them by mixing its powder with warm water. Otherwise, you can eat them directly. These are some of the foods that can glow your skin directly.
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