7 Dos and Don’ts of Acne
Acne or pimples is one of the most psychologically distressing common problems which all of us have faced at some point of our life. We all have appendages on skin and one of the appendages is your oil glands or the Sebaceous gland. The Sebaceous gland is like a little tunnel at the bottom where the Sebaceous, the sebum or the Sebaceous secretions are secreted and then it comes out through an opening called the skin pores that you see.
An oily skin you see the pore wide open because the gland is more active and the gland is bigger. So as the base kind of grows bigger with more activity and more sebum, the opening also grows wider. So when you see an open pore really wide open, it is because his/her skin is excessively oily and that oil is on the top. It is plumped with the dead skin cells and with fat, then it looks to you like a whitehead or a coma dome. When that oxidizes because there is a small little aperture on top it becomes a blackhead and a commodore again. When this secretion inside gets infected with bacteria that's when it turns to a pimple or an acne.
What to Do to Clear Up Your Acne:
1. Do Exercise Regularly:
This is a simple one. Well not if you actually go through with it. Exercise can be quite daunting at times. It's really the instructions that are straight forward. Try to exercise daily. It doesn't matter what kind of workout it is. From push-ups to a light jog in the park, exercise gets the blood pumping. This activates the proper nutrients to repair your skin.
2. Meditation:
Well every time you breathe, the oxygen you let in helps to repair damaged tissues. Meditation adds oxygen to the skin, rejuvenating your cells. As your stress rate reduces, your blood pressure also lowers.
3. Drink Lots of Water:
Over 60% of the human body is made up of water. In order for your body to properly function, you need to consume a healthy amount everyday. If you fail to drink a sufficient quantity, your skin will be dehydrated.
4. Steam:
Try streaming for 5 minutes, and then wipe your face with a soft towel or tissue. This helps open your pores, pushing away dead skin cells and bacteria.
5. Green Tea:
Green tea acts as an antibacterial agent against pimples. Have you ever heard of polyphenols? These are micronutrients found in plant-based products that are essentially made to go to war with bacteria, unclogging your pores and helping your skin breath.
6. Cut the Junk Food:
The average American eats 4 pounds of potato chips in a year. Doesn't seem like a lot? Well imagine taking an old lady's dumb bell and shoving that into your mouth. That's the quantity of salty, oily potato you are consuming.
7. Eat Some Fish:
In general, protein heavy foods serve as a great rebuilder of skin cells. But it is fish in particular that do wonders. Fish carry omega 3 fatty acids, which work to reduce inflammation.
What Not to Do If You Have Acne:
1. Don't Pick or Squeeze your Acne:
Firstly, when you have acne, don't pick or squeeze your acne. This is going to increase the chances of scarring, that is going to increase the chances of pigmentation.
2. Don't Wash Your Face Too Often:
While you are facing the problem of acne, don't wash your face too often. If you wash your face too often, you are stripping the skin from the essential moisture it needs. The essential oil it needs and your skin will rebound and produce more oils. So use your salicylic acid face wash maybe twice a day. Don't wash your face again and again.
3. Cow Milk:
Cow milk shoots blood sugar up high which causes inflammation leading to acne. Milk leads growth in hormones, introducing overgrowth of skin cells that block the pores and become acne.
4. Sugary Products (sugar, candy bar, sugar drink):
Amount of sugar will shoot your blood sugar level up causing pimples. Try to lower your sugar intake and see the difference of acne gone fast.
5. High-Glycemic Food:
White bread, processed cereals, white rice, potato chips, cookies, cakes raise your insulin and blood sugar level, cause inflammation and fluctuate hormones that lead to acne.
6. Junk Foods:
Junk foods cause fluctuation hormonally, and raise blood sugar level. Avoid junk foods to get rid of acne.
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