10 foods to Avoid to Get Flat Belly
We all want to have a flat stomach but belly fat is the most difficult kind to get rid of. If following a strict diet and exercise regimen has done nothing for your waistline, these 10 foods might be to blame before we get into weight loss . 1. Fast Food: This probably comes as no surprise! We're all well aware that fast food contains too many calories and leads to a whole slew of health problems. But if it's specifically that gut you are trying to get rid of then you really need to give the stuff up junk food is called junk for a reason it's just a scary mix of fat, sugar and chemical additives. The fat and fast food causes bloating and discomfort because it leaves the stomach really slowly. Sugar on the contrary moves right into the intestines. The Chemicals and artificial sweeteners that give your junk food that great taste negatively affect the good bacteria in your gut and that leads to obesity. If you are looking for a healthy snack, alternatively try vegetable stick...