
Showing posts from November, 2021

7 Dos and Don’ts of Acne

Acne or pimples is one of the most psychologically distressing common problems which all of us have faced at some point of our life. We all have appendages on skin and one of the appendages is your oil glands or the Sebaceous gland. The Sebaceous gland is like a little tunnel at the bottom where the Sebaceous, the sebum or the Sebaceous secretions are secreted and then it comes out through an opening called the skin pores that you see.    An oily skin you see the pore wide open because the gland is more active and the gland is bigger. So as the base kind of grows bigger with more activity and more sebum, the opening also grows wider. So when you see an open pore really wide open, it is because his/her skin is excessively oily and that oil is on the top. It is plumped with the dead skin cells and with fat, then it looks to you like a whitehead or a coma dome. When that oxidizes because there is a small little aperture on top it becomes a blackhead and a commodore again. When th...