7 Ways to Color Hair Without Using Chemicals
We all know how hair colors can damage our hair badly. Thankfully, there are certain natural ways to color your hair at home. Try them not only to protect your hair but also to save some bucks while following hair color trends.

1. Uses of Lemon Juice:
Squeeze a fresh lemon juice and apply it over your hair and brush it thoroughly. Leave your hair in this condition for several hours. Your hair will shine more while you sit in the sun. When you mix lemon juice and chamomile tea, blondes can enjoy more shining.
Before getting any results, apply this application many times since lemon juice works very slowly.
2. Beet and Carrot Juice:
Mixing these two juices can give your hair red tints. You can use these two juices separately as per your choice. Carrot juice makes your hair color quieter reddish-orange whereas the juice of beetroot gives you a more reddish tinge (auburn or deeper red, strawberry blonde).
To prepare this is very simple. Just apply a juice on your hair. To condition your dry hair at the same time mix this juice or juices with olive oil or coconut oil. To get the work properly done, wrap your hair, throw on a shower cap and wait for an hour. Rinse your hair thoroughly to remove the juice out, and seal with an apple cider vinegar spray. If the color is not dark enough, repeat the process next day.
* As these juices stain, apply oil or wear something to protect your skin and clothes.
3. Henna Powder:
One of the natural ingredients that you can get from henna plant which is a powdered form derived from henna leaves. Due to its natural and effective color pigment, it is used in nails, skin and also to dye hair. Original henna gives you red-orange color. This is best both for redheads and brunettes. To prepare henna dye, add one cup of henna powder with 2 cups of lemon juice. To get the perfect color, you can also add vinegar to it. In order to get the thickness, let it sit for 4 to 6 hours. Apply the paste onto your hair and comb it. Wrap your hair with plastic wrap. Leave it for 2 to 3 hours and then rinse.
4. Walnut Shells:
Walnut is also one of the natural ways to go for dying hair as it can secure your dark brown color. Boil the crushed walnut shells for 30 minutes. Leave it to cool. Then strain and apply it to your overall hair. But if you are interested only in covering gray hairs, then use the cotton ball to apply the walnut shells on the affected area. Take proper precautions as this has the tendency to stain everything.
To get the dye more intense, boil the strained juice to make it quarter of the original volume. Keep it in the refrigerator to cool, strain if needed and pour onto your hair.
Instead of walnut shells you can also use it in powdered form.
Allow it to sit for an hour (more in case your demand is intense), and rinse with lukewarm water to maintain its longevity.
* Avoid hot water as it can take the color away.
5. Coffee:
If you want to add dimensions to dark tresses, or cover gray hairs, and want to make your hair look darker then coffee is one of the best choices. Mix one cup of strong cold coffee with a 2 cups of leave-in-conditioner and 2 tablespoons of coffee ground.
Apply this mixture on clean hair. Leave it for an hour. Using apple cider vinegar helps in maintaining color longevity. To get effective results, repeat this process a few times.
6. Herbal Ingredients:
According to your choice of color, you can choose different herbs to achieve it.
• For Blonde Hair
We know Chamomile tea works the best for dying hair, but you can also switch on to sunflower petals, calendula, saffron and marigold. To cover your gray hairs, in 2 cups of water take rhubarb roots in simmer, strain and pour through hair.
• For Red Hair:
You can use rosehip, calendula, hibiscus and marigold to get dark red or give a few red highlights to your hair. To get a more prominent color, use the dye regularly. For about 30 minutes, simmer the flowers in water, strain and allow it to cool. Then pour or spray it on your hair and let it dry in the sun.
• For Brunette or Dark Hair:
For dark hair choose nettle, rosemary and sage. Simmer all these herbs with water for about half an hour. Let it cool. Strain and spray or brush through hair. Leave it for 1 hour. You can also use the rinse daily after your shower.
To get the perfect brunette or dark color, you should keep patience as it takes several weeks to give your hair the exact color.
* To keep the color last longer, add black tea to all the above mentioned darker
colors. For lighter colors, use Catnip.
7. Black Tea:
Like coffee, black tea is also one of the natural thing to make your hair color darker. Black tea also helps in covering gray hairs. It can darken blonde hair whereas chamomile can lighten the color mainly when you sit in the sun.
The maximum time you leave the tea on your hair, you'll get a prominent color.
The main thing is to make the tea highly concentrated. For 2 cups of tea, take 3 to 5 teabags. You can either use herbal conditioner (as mentioned in the coffee recipe) or apply only the cool black tea to your hair. Mix it with dried or fried sage If you want to hide your grays as it helps open up the hair follicles.
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